Other meanings of the word, though, have been bothering me. This is about Single in the South...
Single means you can be asked to work late, and no one thinks you should complain because the 'married women with kids' get to go home on time and spend time with their families. You're single, so you don't have a life, do you?
Single means you don't mind being paid less than the married woman because 'she has kids, and she needs it.' Yeah...of course, you don't have any bills to pay, do you? You're single...
Single means your holidays are a minefield of well-meant invitations. You learn quickly not to say, 'oh not much' when asked what you're going to do for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Groundhog Day... because they will invite you to take part in *their* holiday. Nothing is more fun than hanging around with people who are annoyed that they can't be sitting around in their underwear because there's company, while their children are running wild and screaming and hitting you with their toys... I was once invited to Thanksgiving dinner with the family of the bookkeeper at the shop (she's not there anymore, thank god). Asked what I should bring, and she suggested maybe some rolls. I found out when I got there that she expected me to COOK THE ENTIRE MEAL. Seriously. She had no idea how to cook a turkey...and no clue how long it took. Never did get to eat that meal... but I took the #@$@ rolls home.
Single also means people can give you gifts of stuff they don't want. One year, my neighbors, in an act of charity, gave me a box that contained several rotten oranges, some limp celery and an apple that looked like someone's science experiment. I waited till they left and then took it to the garbage cans...but dang, they could've saved me the trouble - THAT would have been nice. Just throw away your own crap...I don't really want it. I suppose if I'd been braver, I could've told them that. I didn't. I did the polite society thing: 'oh thank you SO much, just what I wanted!'
Single means you aren't expected to have good taste... Once while shopping with a couple of the married women from the print shop, on a Dallas blow all your money tour, we came across some very nice vases with artificial flowers in them. While B and NJ took a rapid look at the brightly colored ones, I was in agony over a black alabaster bowl with three white roses...it took my breath away. I wanted it so bad...to have bought it would have cost me the rent, so I didn't. But B saw me looking at it and said, oh, that's gorgeous. I wouldn't have expected *you* to like that. So, not only was I expected to have lousy taste, but to not want nice things...
Single means you bought all your own jewelry, or have it left over from the last marriage. You're not expected to want anything very fancy, though.
Not sure where I'm going with this one after all...so I'll quit. I only wrote it because the Tree asked for it... and it was all that was in my mind.
I find it isn't just being single that brings out these tendencies in others of such a giving [ahem] nature. They'll also inundate you with all of the above if you're in a relationship they don't approve of and one which is not sanctioned by their specific brand of down-home dogma.
ReplyDeleteBut, yes, back to being single.
Where is it written that because we are not ensconced that we need to be the objects of pity and dubious charity? Has it ever occurred that we may be HAPPY? [gasp!]
I realize that many may be suffering because they are not in committed relationships...but many of us are quite content to be in either non-traditional arrangements or, get ready for it, no arrangements at all.
I know this opens up that little closet can of worms for some__what about sex? Well, what about it? Just because you want to play with a partner or two [or more] doesn't mean everyone requires there to be group participation. I'll leave you to work all that out and move on.
Many of us actually like our own company. Some of us are single by choice. Some of us are in circumstances where we find ourselves w/o the partner we would prefer and rather than settle we choose to be alone. Some of us are just so cantankerous that a partner isn't practical. Whatever the reason, maybe it's time to give us the benefit of the doubt and treat us like we might have something going on. It may not be what you have but then most of us don't need to plan separate vacations.
Goldie, I DO love your thinking. lol at the cantankerous ones. My friend's husband's father left his mother and moved as far as he could across Texas to get away from her, but they never divorced. When he died my friend's husband had to go there and get his stuff and settle his estate. She never saw him after the second kid was born. He helped with money, but just couldn't stand her. She was so mean, even her own sons didn't want to be near her.
DeleteHEAR HEAR!!! Goldie, I couldn't agree more. After I broke up with Greg last December, I promised myself I would be single for a whole year, and I haven't regretted it at all. I mean, I'm dating, but I'm not in a relationship. And that is exactly where I need to be.
DeleteI had this wonderful comment on a former contacts blog that was deleted because apparently my thoughts were too challenging ... or something ... anyway ... I wish I remember what I said, because I would like to quote myself - lol
ReplyDeleteBut I don't.
So I will simply say this: I think society needs to be more accepting of us single people and those of us that are single because we have CHOSEN to be single and are not simply waiting for the White Knight to rescue us from our miserable lives.
I slay my own dragons thank you very much.
I guess I don't spend enough time thinking about what other people think. Given a choice (which isn't rally an option), when I meet someone I like, I prefer that they be single. That way, I don't have to put up with their significant other when I see them. It works in reverse too. When you're single you don't have to spend a lot of time wondering if the people you hang out with are just putting up with you in order to spend time with your significant other.
ReplyDeleteAlmost all of my friends are married, and yes, it does seem like we put up with one to get the other. My friend, Noria, is the exception. I love her husband as much as I love her. They are the people who own the print shop I've worked in most of 20 years... and I've been mad at them a few times, but I always get over it, and he's the only guy I know I can call at 3 a.m. when I've got a flat tire somewhere I shouldn't have been, lol
DeleteBeing single means a lot of stuff. It shouldn't mean you get dumped on. My guess is that there are more people living in wedded hell than there are unhappy single people. I'd like to say more but my brain isn't working very well this morning.
DeleteBecause I am single and childless, at work I get asked to do things that my counterparts with children would NEVER be asked to do because they have obligations. I always point out that we ALL have obligations, and arranging a cat/dog/chicken sitter is more challenging than getting someone to look after a kid for a night.
ReplyDeleteI think the funniest are those who assume that single childless people have more disposable income -- after all, we're not spending it on kids, right? Well, when you are the only one in your house you get to pay all the bills... and do all the housework...
It would be nice to do without those assumptions people make. But take heart! Statistics Canada reveals that 27% of all Canadian homes are SINGLE dwellers. Yes, that means that over 1/4 of all Canadians are living by themselves, sans children, sans spouse... !!!
The times, they are a changin'!
I wanna move to Canada. :(
DeleteTo me, being single is having 90% of the people in the world think you would be happy with ANYONE as long as you are not single.
ReplyDeleteFunny how even people who are miserable with their special someone think that--I mean how much more miserable could they be? (Must be sex addicts." *shrugs*
LOL - you should SEE some of the blind dates my friends have set me up with in the past... one guy, I swear, had an IQ of 9. *sigh*
DeleteI have been on my own through choice for many years and still; I experience the matchmaker with a firm belief I SHOULD have a man in my life.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth should I have to put up with someone I have to pick up after, cook for, and do their dirty washing, let alone anything else?
I LIKE being by myself, I love my own space and don't want to share it with a human, I prefer my own company, I don't get lied to anymore, I don't get beaten up anymore. I am happy and content thank you very much!